Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 20:29
After I had both micro and macro papers, I was really thinking if I should change major or not.Because really, maybe it's not as bad as it is.
Then today, I had my third/last econs paper, stats.
By the time I reached the 3rd question, I swear I was having a severe headache in the exam hall and I really don't feel like doing anymore.
Oh well. Hope for the best huh.
Last paper on sat morning.
I'm gonna bring my camera out and we shall snap many many photos!
Wanna capture one of the happiest moment in life, with the R's.
Sat, 30th April, 11am, please come soon!
Anw, it's a really nice feeling. There used to be 5 thick piles of files(full of lecture notes, tutorials and the very &"$!?#*+%# readings) but now there's only one last file there. Waiting for me to digest the wisdom within it and hopefully gain some knowledge out of it.
Sociology. As much as I had so much fun during your lectures and tutorials, all along, I know it's damn hard to study you.
Definitely not my cup of tea.
So I promise to study extra hard and in return, I hope that you can be kind on Saturday morning.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 09:30
MPE AND MAJOR DECLARATION FROM 11 JULY TO 17 JULY.Erm.. Okay. Now I'm kinda 80% new media, 20% econs.
Sometimes econs isn't that bad. Really.. Sometimes.
Gotta get up now and be a macroeconomist. Ytd I was a micro one.
Paper at 9am tmrw. So I have one full day for revision.
I'm gonna set my phone to non vibration to see if it helps cause my friend told me it does.
This period(this week actually) is like a war, against time, against yourself.
Screw bellcurve cause that's something you can't control. Like
So everyone, let's be kind to each other as we go through this harsh period together.
A few more days to the end. Really! We can start counting down using just one hand!!!
It's been not bad so far, so continue mugging hard lingling!
Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 17:00
One of my favourite movies has got to be 500 days of summer.It's definitely not a big production with all the A class kinda superstars.
But really. It's my favourite because the emotions intertwined with the characters snap us back to reality and think about the many encounters we have/had or people around us have/had.
And it's a simple story - about a boy meeting a girl.
It just..just...well, it's just touching, if you know how to appreciate it I guess.
After finals, I'm surely gonna watch it again.
20% happier now with one heavy module off the back of my mind. Correction here: all the 5 modules are heavy actually.
From this moment on, until thursday 3pm, I'm gonna be a full-fledged economist.
After which, I'm gonna try to pin point at all the Singapore policy and the certain-coloured uniform people. Find faults with them and their policies and I believe I'll do well for the last sociology paper. Heavy but very interesting module. Tmrw morning, 9am.
Give me all the knowledge and time and ability please.
Of course, luck too.
All the best.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 22:04
Sudden exam stress!!!Please let me survive the 5 papers.
Please let me do well.
2 days to the first paper.
Screaming inside now. Why no pancakes?????
A really happy brunch. And very filling too.
Feeling really refresh now. Like erm. System reboot. Haha.
10 more days.
We start counting down now! The best years in my life is that 4 years spent in that seemingly boring white and orange and blue building. But those are the best years cause we know that reality is harsh, the world is mean but how harsh exactly, how mean exactly, we didn't know. And of course, I grew up there, physically, mentally and emotionally. Those 4 years, I had my first bite of friendship, passion, love, failure and of course, success.
So much happened during the 4 years that very often I find myself not knowing how to answer when people ask me "why are those 4 years the best phase of your life?"
I fail to answer in the best way because no word could quite bring across how great those years were. See. Again. Great is really not enough. It's so much more than just Great.
As the major finals get closer, the more I wanna run away and lock myself in my comfort zone. That's when I think very much about the 4 awesome years.
Nostalgic much huh?
Pretty much drained from the endless mugging.
Okay. It's not really endless, it'll end on 30th April.
I'm gonna jump around outside the lecture hall and I'm not gonna walk at all for the entire day, I wanna skip everywhere I go.
A short break from mugging,
Breakfast with love :)
So goodnight people! I'm gonna sleep happy now. Weeee!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 10:23
Every morning, same old struggle.For the past many days, I managed to win, somehow being able to wake up at 8plus and start work at 9plus.
Today, while I'm typing this, I'm still lying on my bed.
This is extremely bad. I know that tonight I'm gonna regret not waking up earlier.
Bad bad bad.
11 days more..
But actually, it less than 11 days. I know that once I start my first paper on sat, 9am, every day will just be over so damn fast and finals will be over. So just let me finish all the tasks and start my first paper. I'll be phantom for one week exactly and done.
Back to normal self.
Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 09:25
On 1st may. The only thing that I wanna do is sleep for the entire day. It's planned. I'm gonna sleep. Wake up when I'm hungry to fill my stomach and then head back to sleep again. Ermmm....aim to sleep for 16 hours at least.
But that's on 1st may. Been checking all the calendars around me. Nope. Not first of may YET :(
Okay. Back to NM readings.
13 dayssssss.
Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 21:52
Hang in there. Another 17 days to the end.Posting a little too often but really, that's how we countdown right?
Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!
Okay. Back to the last chapter of stats. Sometimes I wish that I could take away all your pain.
If it's not possible, then at least let me share the burden with you.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 23:40
I know I have to spend some time posting this.The one and only project for this semester, Singapore Society.
I'm just really glad that I got to do it with these people.
Evelyn, Wenz and Xiaoming.

Our initial plan was to complete the 1,200 words report on Friday night, thinking that it's really only 1,200 words, there's no reason why we can't complete it.
So, off we headed to Kovan Melody at 6pm. With all the jam and jam(still), the dinner that took quite a long while, we only started at 9plus.
At first, we were doing fine, with occasional jokes here and there...maybe it's not really occasional. haa.
But well, our brain cells depleted at an amazing rate, we were all freaking tired at about 1am.
HANG IN THERE was all we could think of.
then, i couldn't quite remember what happened actually but I went to the toilet around 2am, an attempt to freshen myself.
When I stepped out, xiaoming: "we've decided to give up."
honestly, i was going "YAYNESS! GIVE ME MY BED NOW" in my heart.
But well, last night, we had to meet up for the second time to complete it.
It was much better I think (cause there's no 8am tutorial duh).
And then, finally, it was done at around 2am.
All I wanna say is that I'm damn thankful to be doing this with this group of friends.
How awesome! I mean it's really tiring on both days but the fun we get, pretty much worth it I think.

A year ago, we went to get the free B&J ice cream cone.
A celebration for Mr Lim's 20th after that, at Chilli's.
All-in-jeans day. How coincidental!
And outside Chilli's, we took one of my favourite group photo.

Less than two weeks to my first paper, starting off with new media.
Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 10:01
Agenda for today:2 chapters of micro
Either complete half of macro lecture 7 or half of NM communicating with the public chapter.
I love it when I'm following closely to my study plan, with minor alterations here and there of course.
Okay. Shall start now while I wait for my perfect breakfast for a Sunday.
Saturday, April 09, 2011 at 21:07
3 more weeks baby! And I'll be free like a birdie!
Friday, April 08, 2011 at 15:38
In my opinion, I think that we should really try harder not to kill each other.In this game of love, I pronounce you the winner.
Thursday, April 07, 2011 at 21:44
Maybe all I need is a good old night out or maybe something simpler, like a drive down to the corner of holland village for a cone of $3 ice cream. I need a little bit more than what i'm having now.
I need a good rest, by that, I mean 12 hours of undisturbed sleep.
I need a little more love, by myself. Cause it's always around this period(nearing to the finals) when I start to feel oh-so-much inside my heart. It's as if all the studying isn't vexing enough.
Bear with me for the remaining 3 weeks or so.
I'll be back to normal soon.
Till then, take care.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 at 16:25
I'm easily angered. I get pissed off over real nitty gritty stuffs, over small issues that I know don't usually make sense to the majority out there.
Nope. I'm not about to list them out.
But really. It's so illogical and unreasonable to the extent whereby sometimes I'm angry at myself, for being erm well, narrow minded.
I don't make sense all the time, I know. Day 2 of study plan.
Canceling the tasks one by one.
Completing all the tasks that I set for each day.
This is good.
Don't let the drive die okay?
Both of my sisters happen to be overseas now, which means room to myself :) (I'm definitely smiling wider and brighter than this)
Own room. Imagine moving their beds and stuffs out of the room and having the chance to rearrange my stuff, decorate the room. Oh man. How perfect!
Nothing to do with my sisters. I love them and I honestly think they make the best siblings ever.
But I would really love to have my own room too.
Maybe after my finals, I should try my luck on this again...
Monday, April 04, 2011 at 00:36
Really not the best time to fall sick.less than 30 days away from the end of endless mugging.
the last lap so sprint, run with all your might.
Don't think, just go.
For no regrets, for the beautiful SEP dream.
gonna wait for panadol to take its effect and I'm going to head straight to my bed.
Friday, April 01, 2011 at 07:53
Every morning is a battle against time.Very tough fight.
It starts the moment I open my eyes.
Struggling to get off the bed is the hardest part.
Once I'm past that stage, I work on a "don't block my way!" vision.
I run/fly/zoomzoom around my house and bye mum/dad.
Then the whole public transport phase, let's call it phase two.
I "tsk" inside my heart everytime my bus needs to stop for red light.
I get extremely pissed off when I can't get onto a train or bus.
Finally, phase 3. Krt to class and then endless panting when I reach the class.
Seriously! What for!